About Luke's
School visits
As a child, Luke was a reluctant reader and writer, yet today he’s a successful children’s author, on a mission to show children that they can enjoy reading and writing.
Luke’s KS2 and KS1 sessions are full of action-packed drama, laugh-out-loud fun and audience interaction. He is “a powerful role model for children who are reluctant readers and writers,” says Ros Flanders at Moorfield Primary.
Luke has worked with over a thousand schools and would love to visit yours!
To find out more and arrange a visit from Luke please email heather@luketemple.co.uk
“The children and staff were captivated. Luke inspired the children to believe in themselves and to engage with reading and writing… they could barely contain their excitement. We would definitely recommend him.” Julie Petitt, Literacy Coordinator, Whitehill Junior
“Luke is a powerful role model for children who don’t enjoy reading and writing. The children were held spellbound by Luke’s ingenious, humorous and creative approach, and his unforgettable presentation will inspire and motivate them for some time to come.” Ros Flanders, Deputy Head, Moorfield Primary
“We all agree that it is the most successful author visit we have ever had and are still amazed at the impact it has had on our children’s reading. Thank you Luke for such an inspiring time!” Cara Thomas, Literacy Coordinator, Ladygrove Primary
“The response from Luke’s visit has been fantastic! Not only was he popular across the classes, he has had a huge impact on our boys who are reluctant to write… Part of my initial reason for booking Luke was to raise aspirations and the profile of writing. I feel this has been achieved and more.” Adam Ames, Head, Crudgington Primary

Videos of Luke in Action
Feedback from year 6 at Ladygrove Primary

“I thought you were going to be one of those authors who just sit there and reads us a boring book but NO you brought enthusiasm and confidence to your act. Before I saw you I thought reading was boring but now I’ve realised how reading can be exciting and fun.”
“Our reading has grown massively since your first extraordinary visit and every time you have brought smiles to everyone’s faces and made my day!”
“The whole school loves the way you dance and when you are funny (which you always are)”
“I am writing to you to thank you for being awesome. You have truly inspired me … I wish you could teach me how to be so cool!”
“We really loved your crazy attitude and fun personality.”
“You were magnificent! Your visit was EXTREMLY funny… you inspired me to read!”
“You are a true hero and have inspired me to read more than I do.”
“I think everybody’s favourite part was when you dressed up like a ballerina, well that was my favourite part!”
“Definitely the best part of your enthusiastic talk was every single bit of it”
“You were successfully astonishing once again! You shine a light into everybody’s day.”